Songs of Freedom: Live and Let Rock
Scream Cry Out Tell Truth – The Views Expressed by Individuals are Their Own
This isn’t a borg. We don’t have to think the same. This was written to be a disclaimer for the album.
The King’s Magic – Loud Like a Lion
This song has a punk feel to it. It’s awesome. So there.
Post Freedom – Smash the State
This is the quintessential libertarian punk song.
The Cooters – Take a Stand
Liberty, Demand it!
Songs of Freedom: Liberty Defined
Rex84 – Free Your Mind
This is an old song that was written and recorded with a different singer. The band no longer plays this song, but I’ve left it on the album for historic purposes.
The Cock Blocks – Bench Warrant
Not every song on the Songs of Freedom compilations is about liberty or even by a liberty-minded artist. I’m not exactly sure what their politics are, but I figured the civil disobedience crowd might get a kick out of it.
Scream Cry Out Tell Truth – A
Anarchy is the radical idea that you own yourself.
Right Arm of Wyoming – Redistribution of Theft
The government doesn’t just redistribute wealth, first it steals it.
Scott X and the Constitution Commandos – US Oppression Can’t Lose
This song is about how the legal system is a nightmare for anyone who wants to stand up for their rights.
Skelp – Oil to Blood
This is one of those anti-war songs. Maybe it should have went on Songs of Peace, but it got put on Songs of Freedom 3 before I decided to put together Songs of Peace.
American Remains – Give Me a Sign
Not every song is necessarily liberty related, but it’s a u good sign waving song for you active activists.
The Cooters – Same Shit, Different Pile
Title pretty much explains it. There’s not much difference between the 2 parties.
Ladies of the Evening – Statist Thugs
I’m not sure exactly what this song is about, but I like it. It reminds me of bands that I saw in the 7th St. Entry in Minneapolis, which is kinda like seeing a band in the basement. Matt Bergman recorded this in his basement with random people, that’s what Ladies of the Evening is.
Rex 84 – Terminal Middle Class
This is something for the Occupy Wall St. crowd to rock out to. I don’t know if it’s about Detroit or just the in general. Here’s the lyrics, you decide: Filthy city Sinks a little more Deeply into Economic isolation. Fear and reaction Its caustic Boarded buildings Due to prostration. Terminal middle class
Scream Cry Out Tell Truth – Fuk Politix
Politics is a game. It’s a bad joke that’s not funny. It’s Moe on steroids. Like Glenn Beck said, stop poking me in the eye with shit. I don’t care if it’s a needle instead of a screwdriver, or whatever. Governments have no real power, even with guns, if people refused to participate.
Songs of Freedom: Bayou Bootleg
The Cooters – Reign Lunacy
It’s about police state/riot cops or some shit.
Scream Cry Out Tell Truth – Decline
If violence is order, I prefer chaos. Government is a gun to the head. How can you consider voting consent if you can’t decline?
Songs of Freedom: Rock Anthology
Working Disorder – America
I’m not sure what this is about. Listen to it and let me know. It’s a good song.
Ladies of the Evening – IP is BS
Why wouldn’t you download a car? With 3-D printers, you might be able to download the cheap piece of crap plastic car parts that they charge you an arm and a leg to replace. Without IP protection, companies would be forced to innovate even more or be so effecient no one could compete or find a way to keep things secret.
The Cooters – Crusty
It’s about police state/riot cops or some shit.
Right Arm of Wyoming – Tar and Feather a Tax Collector
Back in 1776, they’d tar and feather taxmen. They’d be on the terrorist watchlist today.
Scream Cry Out Tell Truth – End the Fed
I recorded this song as a lark. I was working on a stand up comedy routine about how hardcore bands that are political and have something to say that they think people need to hear also tend to have vocals you can’t understand.
A Minor Revolution – My Most Sincere Gratitude
Self-explanatory ironic thank you to government.
Liberation Animation – Non Aggression Principle
What you learn in kindergarten, but somehow doesn’t apply to government.
Rex 84 – Caught in the Gears
This is my favorite Rex 84 song. It’s pretty open for interpretation I think.
Scream Cry Out Tell Truth – Disruption
I’m not disturbing the peace. I’m disturbing the war. Yeah, I messed up in a few spots, but that’s what makes it punk. It’s called jamming. Just ask Dave Grohl.